Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day: A Broader Perspective

This Father's Day video strikes a deep chord within me and I tear up every time I watch it.  I will be the first to own my dad issues and how great it has affected me in life both positively and negatively.  Although my dad made a lot of mistakes in raising me, he did his best with what he knew and I love him for that.  But I ask myself why the video affects me so deeply and as I listen closely to my heart, I have identified four distinct emotions that it produces within me.  First, it helps me identify and connect with my "daddy wounds" of the past (0:32 - 0:46).  Second, I am reminded of the healing God the Father has done in helping me heal of my past wounds (1:03 - 1:17).  Third, I am inspired not to repeat the same mistakes my dad made but choose to be a good dad, desiring my family above all else (0:15-0:31). And lastly I am hopeful for future of manhood and fatherhood in our nation (1:19 - 1:32). 

Many different kinds of daddy situations were presented in this video, some good, some bad, but the best part of the video is the message of potential healing and restoration to broken hearts, lives, and relationships.  This is the message of the Kingdom of God.  There is hope for all of us men and women not to repeat the same mistakes of the past but rather be agents of healing, reconciliation, and restoration looking to God our father  (Abba) as our role model. 

"we believe that you have what it takes to change the world" - quote extracted from the video

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