Thursday, July 7, 2011

theMovement Vision 2011

This is the summary of the vision we shared with our group tonight. So stoked about the future!  So proud of our people!

July 6, 2011

to be a local movement with a global influence.

living out Christ in the context of community.

being a MULTICULTURAL (inclusive of various cultures), GROWING (devote ourselves to spiritual formation), MISSIONAL (commit ourselves to being the sent ones), COMMUNITY (foster authentic relationships).

Colorado Springs is viewed as Christian Mecca but yet the reality is that 85% of people in our county are unchurched.  How can this be with the strong Christian presence we claim our city has?  theMovement seeks to reclaim the heart of the missio Dei in our city. We believe God has sent us to reach the unchurched 85%.

1.     scattered (Luke 10:1-3): to establish three missional communities by Wednesday, October 5th.  Two leaders per group will lead missional communities. This can be two couples, a couple and a single person, or two single persons.
2.     gathered (Luke 10:17-18): come back to celebrate stories of God on the move once a month beginning Sunday, September 18th. 

WHAT IS NOT A MISSIONAL COMMUNITY? (1) a bible study (2) a traditional small group or house church, (3) a recovery group, (4) a social awareness group.

WHAT IS A MISSIONAL COMMUNITY? a smaller expression of theMovement church on mission to reach their communities.   A missional community regularly: (1) grows together, (2) serves together, (3) dreams together, (4) eats together, (5) plays together, (6) reaches their community together. 

WHY COMMUNITY? (1) we were designed for community, (2) we need community for the mission to be most effective, (3) the Triune Godhead is community, interdependent and cohesive, (4) Jesus fulfilled His mission in community, (5) the early church was birth out of community.

WHAT'S OUR NEXT STEPS? In the next 2-3 months we will (1) identify and train leaders, (2) learn how to be a missional community through teaching and practical application, (3) celebrate the launching of missional communities at our first gathering, Sunday, September 18th.

Jesus (Jesus will be our example and model for every aspect of ministry), People (we value people and relationships over religion or any kind of system), Prayer (our opportunity to display our total dependence upon God), Holistic-Worship (we are called to love God with our hearts, soul, mind and strength; all areas of our lives), Unity (it is our priority to function as a healthy, unified community that Christ intended for us to become), Generosity (following the life of Christ, we will be generous with our time, talents, gifts, and resources), Priesthood of all believers (everyone possess Christ-given authority to operate as pastors and ministers).

Scattered: “After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves” (Luke 10:1-3). 

Gathered: “The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”  He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:17-18).

1 comment:

  1. Paul and Yemi, Congratulations on laying out and publishing theMovement Vision 2011. Casting the Vision is a critical elemen,t knowing Christ did the same so that followers could join in the movement. Pastor Paul, I also think this Vision 2011 clearly reflects your heart and mind as a church leader and pastor. This continuity of your heart and theMovement vision will become evident to all who come to call you their pastor.
    God's blessing - Mark Slosar
