Thursday, June 30, 2011

B.E.L.L.S: Living In Missional Rhythm

At theMovement we have been learning how to develop Christ-like missional habits and we have adopted a simply way for us to put the Great mission of God into practice.  In his book Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture, Michael Frost (whom I refer to Frosty) mentions the five practices that form the acronym BELLS that his faith community is based around.  Our desire is to adopt these practices and make them part of our everyday living.  We dare you to try them, then sit back and watch God work.  Don't forget to journal your experiences.

Living In Missional Rhythm

Genesis 12:2,3
I will bless you...and you will be a blessing...and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.

Romans 12:1-2 (The Message)
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.

Bless at least 3 people each week
Manifests in different forms. Could simply be an e-mail of affirmation or encouragement. Could be mowing a neighbors lawn or babysitting for a single mom. Could be a small gift. Bless a person who is a believer. Bless a person who is not a professing Christian. Bless a person from either category.

Eat with at least 3 other people each week
Eat with a person who is a believer. Eat with a person who is not a professing Christian. Eat with a person from either category.

Listen to the promptings of God in our lives
Commit to specific times of solitude for active listening to God. Might include a prayer walk, the use of prayer beads, etc. Give at least one hour each week for this activity.

Learn from the Gospels each week
Members are encouraged to read the whole Bible and to have a regular rhythm of bible study, but to always include the Gospels as part of that reading in order to learn specifically from Jesus ways and words.

This is a commitment to consciously live out the missional, or “sent” nature of the church. Can include acts of hospitality, the just stewardship of resources. Acting for justice, attacking the consequences of poverty, etc. At the end of your day, answer these two questions and comment on them in your journal: In what ways did I cooperate with Jesus today? In what ways did I resist Jesus today?

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