My mom and I were recently discussing my unorthodox church planting endeavors and although it was hard for her to understand the type of church I was planting i.e. "missional," compared to the classic/traditional way she understood church planting to be, we were both able to agree that the power of the Holy Spirit was not only missing in our church planting endeavors today but is an important element in drawing people to Christ as well as starting a church. The Apostle's in the the early church used miracles to draw people to the truth of the Gospel. They recognized the importance of working with the leading and power of the Holy Spirit.
As I attempt to plant a missional church in this season of my life, one of the main differences between church planting in the New Testament (early) church and church planting today is a lack of power. I'm talking specifically the power the Holy Spirit at work. People outside the faith need to see and experience the power of the holy at work. It's not enough to talk about God's Kingdom come (i.e. healing, rescue, deliverance, peace, joy, transformation), the Kingdom must be displayed in our lives as well as in the lives of the people we are reaching. Miracles, healing, and generosity were a regular part of the disciples and Apostle's church planting work "and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47). For a church plant to grow, people need a Jesus movement in their lives. They need to visibly see and experience why our God is greater and stronger (experience the Kingdom of God in their lives on earth as it is heaven). The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:20 reminds us that "the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."
As I attempt to plant a missional church in this season of my life, one of the main differences between church planting in the New Testament (early) church and church planting today is a lack of power. I'm talking specifically the power the Holy Spirit at work. People outside the faith need to see and experience the power of the holy at work. It's not enough to talk about God's Kingdom come (i.e. healing, rescue, deliverance, peace, joy, transformation), the Kingdom must be displayed in our lives as well as in the lives of the people we are reaching. Miracles, healing, and generosity were a regular part of the disciples and Apostle's church planting work "and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47). For a church plant to grow, people need a Jesus movement in their lives. They need to visibly see and experience why our God is greater and stronger (experience the Kingdom of God in their lives on earth as it is heaven). The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:20 reminds us that "the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."
Love it Yemi!! I love your statement "miracles, healing, and GENEROSITY..." I think generosity moves not only the giver but the receiver and is SO POWERFUL! Great stuff Yemi keep it coming!!!